The Anchor of Hope is currently on a Pilgrimage around all 37 schools in the Salford Diocese. This has been presented to us by Bishop John Arnold to commemorate the ‘Jubilee Year 2025’. The theme of this Year of Mercy is, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.  All schools get to host the anchor and proudly display it in school. They will in turn pass it on after tying a ribbon onto the anchor and writing the name of the school. This week Mr Barden, Mrs Bretherton, Miss Berry and 17 of our school choir visited St. Patricks Primary school in Walton le-dale. Mrs Hindley the Head teacher and also our link Governor made us feel very welcome and led us in a liturgy in which we exchanged the Anchor.  The GIFT team pupils at St Patricks Primary school proudly led us in prayers and sang beautifully. Miss Berry led the St Cecila’s choir in a joint service. It was a lovely opportunity to visit such a wonderful school and also sample to tasty cookies and warm Vimto kindly supplied by St. Patricks. Mr Barden may have had a few of those.