Saint Cecilia- Patron Saint of Music

Feast Day: 22nd November

St Cecilia lived in Rome around the 3rd Century. Her parents were rich and important people, and they hoped that Cecilia would one day also marry a rich man. Cecilia wasn’t interested in that idea at all, as she had a secret. She was a Christian! At that time Christians were suffering. Cecilia spent her life helping the poor and looking after those in need. She refused to denounce her faith and was martyred on 22nd November in 230AD. She is the perfect example of courage and selflessness, and we are proud to have her as our Patron Saint.

Every year on 22nd November we celebrated the feast day of St Cecilia. It is a fantastic day for everyone in our school community. 

Cecilia was also known for her musical gift, and we try to honour that every week when we sing our school hymn in assembly:

Our House Saints are really important to us. Each represents an individual who lived a life of humility, serving others until their death. At St Cecilia's each pupil is assigned to a House, each representing one of the four House Saints above. On the first day of the academic year each year 7 pupil learns about the House Saint they have been assigned. Pupils are informed about the life of their House Saint and discuss what they can learn from them, and how it might apply to their own lives. They also complete a worksheet which incorporates Saint Cecilia, their House Saint, our school mission statement, and our school badge. During the school year each form group will present an assembly about their House Saint to the rest of the year group. This allows all pupils and staff to learn about each Saint and is linked to a specific virtue such as courage, humility, charity and others. Pupils take pride in belonging to their House and there are Inter-House events throughout the year. You can learn more abut our House Saints by clicking on their names.

7A- Saint Edmund Arrowsmith

7C- Saint Margaret Clitherow

7P- Saint John Plessington

7R- Saint Oscar Romero

7S- Saint John Southworth