Pupils will learn the St Cecilia’s School prayer in year 7, which will be practiced in form time and collective worship assemblies:

Pupils are reminded in forms about the theme of the week. The suggested themes are provided by the Salford Diocese. The theme is displayed in each form room. Pupils are reminded about the message and conclude morning worship with a prayer linked to the theme.  An example of such is below:

Example Monday Theme of the week

We vary how our theme is communicated with pupils throughout the week in order to improve our understanding of it's meaning to us as individuals, as a school and as a global community.

Staff at St Cecilia's lead prayer three times a week during morning briefing. We also have staff morning prayer on Thursday, led by our School Chaplain (Mrs Bretherton) in the Chapel. Each department created their own prayer, which usually takes place at the end of each school day.

Prayer and Liturgy

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See Below Our Departmental Scriptures:

Departmental Scripture

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