We believe that all children should be valued as individuals. We have an inclusive ethos with high expectations and targets, a broad and balanced curriculum differentiated to meet individual needs and systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation. We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background.

Our intent is that our EHCP pupils are entitled to a high quality ambitious curriculum that is tailor made to meet their individual needs. Our Curriculum, delivered by experienced teachers and support staff, ensures that every pupil makes progress at their own pace from their starting points and their personalised learning journey is closely monitored in relation to their personalised targets that are directly related to the Curriculum and/or their EHCP outcomes. We are proud to deliver our curriculum in a flexible and innovative way based on the needs, interests and learning styles of each pupil making learning personal for each child as well as encouraging them to work with others. Our teachers teach to the top and our sequential curriculum is scaffolded appropriately to meet the specific needs of these students. At St Cecilia’s, we focus on developing the children’s cognitive learning, communication, and social and emotional development. Another element of our process, is to develop communication and independence in school whilst working with and supporting families to encourage and facilitate this at home. Much of our work and interventions is aimed at developing the skills that the children need to be ready to learn, but essentially, our fundamental aim is to equip all students with the tools to succeed and thrive in life. 

Achievement with care is our vision for all our pupils. We aim to ensure that:

  • Pupils with learning difficulties are able to access their entitlement to a broad ambitious, balanced and relevant curriculum as part of the whole school community.
  • Pupils with SEND are educated, wherever possible, in an inclusive environment alongside their peers to enable each pupil to reach his or her full potential in out mixed ability classes. 

However, we have nurturing groups in years 7-10 for our most vulnerable pupils, where teaching groups of approximately 10 with a specialist teacher and a teaching assistant where possible. 

  • We match levels of additional support for learning to the wide variety of individual learning difficulties, while enhancing self-esteem.
  • We identify and assess pupils with SEND as early and as thoroughly as possible using the revised Code of Practice (2014).
  • Parents/carers and pupils are fully involved in the identification and assessment of SEND, and that we strive for close co-operation between all agencies concerned, using a multi-disciplinary approach.
  • We endeavour to meet the needs of all pupils with SEND by offering appropriate and flexible forms of educational provision, by the most efficient use of all available resources.
  • We maintain up to date knowledge of current SEND good practice and methodology in order to offer support and training in these areas to all staff in the school.

Who is the SENDCo at St Cecilia’s RC High School? 

The SENDCo at St Cecilia’s is Miss J Hughes and our assistant SENDCO is Miss Little. Parents should contact either member of staff if they have any queries regarding SEND/Learning Support.

You can contact Miss J Hughes by email jh@st-cecilias.lancs.sch.uk or Miss Little on sl@st-cecilias.lancs.sch.uk by telephone: 01772 783074 

SEND Documents

Updated: 14/11/2023 201 KB
Updated: 05/09/2024 212 KB
Updated: 07/06/2024 414 KB


Lancashire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IAS)


SEND Information

Updated: 18/10/2022 64 Bytes