The Chaplaincy has a unique place among the students and staff here at St Cecilia’s, playing a vital role in the journey we all undertake.  It is about students and staff learning from each other – underpinned by the teachings of Christ at the heart of all we do.

Chaplaincy works to inspire and enrich our ‘sense of belonging’ and to help all develop in the image of God.


At our school, we are fortunate to have a dedicated group of pupils known as the GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) team. Their mission is to enrich the Catholic life of our community in various meaningful ways. They work closely with the Chaplain to meticulously plan and execute liturgies, ensuring our chapel ceremonies for Holy Days of obligation are solemn and reflective. Additionally, the GIFT team collaborates with the CLM to organize school-wide masses, where they craft heartfelt Prayers of the Faithful. Beyond formal ceremonies, they assist Form Tutors in cultivating collective worship sessions, embodying a commitment to sharing their faith and setting a positive example for their peers. The GIFT team embodies the spirit of service and faith leadership in our school community.