On 12th February we received the Anchor of Hope from St. Wilfrid’s R.C Primary School. The Headteacher Mr. McCue and Mrs. Asher along with 12 GIFT team pupils from year 5 and 6 visited our school. We began the celebrations with a Liturgy in our school chapel led by Mr Barden. In the Liturgy we played the official Jubilee song by Jamie Rivera and learned about the theme, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. The Jubilee is special year that occurs every 25 years. It is a special year of Mercy, Hope and Forgiveness. Pilgrimages are especially encouraged this year and indeed we have future events planned such as visits to Ladyewell in Fernyhalgh and Walsingham later in the year. We will also have a special focus on Reconciliation and offer the Sacrament to our staff and pupils during Lent. At the end of our service, we exchanged the Anchor of Hope. This Anchor has been provided by Bishop John and is on its own pilgrimage around the Salford Diocese. In total it will visit 37 schools.  After it leaves us, it will journey on to St. Patricks Primary school in Walton le dale. Once the Liturgy was over, we had refreshments, cakes and drinks provided by Mrs. Bretherton and some of our GIFT team and Catholic Heart representatives. This allowed or pupils to meet the year 5 and 6 and share food together. Mr Duffy the Head of year 7 and Mrs Hall also took the opportunity to meet and pass on their best wishes to the pupils. The Anchor of Hope is now proudly on display in our main corridor and our own personal Anchor, made by Mr Barton is currently on a more local pilgrimage around the form rooms.