This year we have introduced Sacred Spaces in every form room. The Sacred Space supports our belief that Christ is at the centre of all we do. Therefore, it is a constant reminder of our faith in school and works towards supporting the daily act of collective worship that takes place in form. Each space has a banner identifying the Liturgical season. This allows our pupils to feel part of the Catholic community and to feel involved as the Church moves through the year. To further engage the pupils, we have specially made Liturgical cloths that change along with the banners. Green, purple, white and red to celebrate martyrs feast days. Our newly formed CARITAS Ambassadors are responsible for the upkeep and rotation as well as leading the form group in supporting their form Charity during Advent and Lent. Each form has also taken ownership of the space and personalised their area with prayer trees to hang prayers, or prayer baskets to place their prayers in etc.