This week, all of our students will receive a 'Keeping Safe' assembly from our Designated Safeguard Lead, Mr Hewitt. The assembly aims to provide students with key information on the topics of:
-Nude and semi-nude images
-A recap on the definition of bullying and different types of it
-Understanding the term 'derogatory language' linked with examples to types of discrimination
Being safe and responsible online was a thread that ran all through the topics.
As a school, we constantly promote the values and teachings of Jesus Christ. This year, Keeping Safe assemblies have been a powerful vehicle to educate our pupils. They will continue in similar fashion next year.
Safeguarding Team 2023-2024
Designated Safeguard Lead - Mr Hewitt
Deputy DSL - Mrs Lewis
Deputy DSL - Miss Bethwaite
Deputy DSL - Mr Duffy
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility