Attendance at school is critical; ‘turning up, on time’ is a quality, and a characteristic that we aim to instil in all of our pupils. It is much more than learning time or examination results; it promotes positive wellbeing and replicates the requirements of life beyond school.
Positive attendance gives our students the best chance to fulfil their potential in their education.
Once again, it has been our absolute pleasure to celebrate and reward 209 of our students who attended school every day last half term. This means that were sat in front of their subject experts for their 750 hours of learning.
When lessons are sequenced within a tailored curriculum and delivered by experts, the knock on-effects of absence can be damaging; this damage is not easily seen but it is supported by educational research.
All pupils have been informed that positive attendance will be filtered throughout our whole school reward system in the next academic year.
-5 achievement points will be given to every student who attends 100% per week
-100% attendance breakfasts will continue
-100% certificates from HOY
-Termly rewards trips will also now require positive attendance, per term, as part of the criteria.
The level of support we are providing our families to support attendance continues to grow and we would encourage families to speak to their Form Tutor, Head of Year or our attendance officer, in the first instance, if they have any concerns or require any support with their child’s attendance.