The Religious Education curriculum at St Cecilia’s contributes significantly to the Catholic nature of the school. It enables pupils to ask deep and often searching questions about their own faiths and beliefs, and the beliefs, faiths and opinions of others regarding pertinent contemporary moral issues. Pupils will be able to deepen their understanding of God as encountered and taught by Catholics and compare with other denominations and non-faith views.
Below you will find several documents that allow you to learn more about our curriculum:
Our 5-year plan outlines the coherently planned and sequenced learning journey our pupils will undertake, auditing and then building on what has been learned at KS2, including how substantive and disciplinary knowledge is organised within topics in order to best access both a unit end point and future learning that relies upon this.
Alongside an emphasis on Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary within the curriculum, our reading document provides examples of how reading is prioritised and how we use the latest research to guide reading and incorporate tasks that manipulate and emphasise meaning within it.
Our assessment document shares how our assessments have been designed to assess composite knowledge (the big picture) and thus provide the greatest opportunity to use teacher feedback to address pupils' gaps in key component understanding, address misconceptions and reteach where necessary. All leading to improvement in learning.
In addition, Catholic Social Teaching flows throughout our curriculum, and is given special focus each half term in the form of a departmental agreed activity. See an example of this below.
Finally, look within our school’s Personal Development Overview document for examples of how our subject contributes towards our pupils’ holistic formation.
Religious Studies Documents
Personal Development Programme
RE Enrichment and Extra-curricular
Jubilee 2025: The Year Of Hope
Mr I Barden Curriculum Leader
Mr R Duffy
Mrs L Bell
Mrs K Holt
As per guidance from the Department for Education, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. To discuss further please contact
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