The Curriculum for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, combined with Relationships and Sex Education at St Cecilia’s is inclusive and centered around educating the whole child, through a broad, yet focused range of topics and activities. Therefore, we see PSHE & RSHE as an integral part of our Personal Development program.
Our PSHE & RSHE curriculum develops deep seated knowledge and understanding, linking different topics throughout the five-years. It develops social skills, empathy, emotional intelligence, and practical everyday skills needed to enable our pupils to grow into confident, valued members of the community, who live active healthy lifestyles in both mind and body, leading to a healthy state of well-being. We have tailored our PSHE & RSHE programme to reflect the needs of our pupils and equip them with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions and prepare them for their future and the world of work. We therefore believe our PSHE & RSHE program has an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils but particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

We seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

The strands within the PSHE & RSHE curriculum which are covered in school.
•    Physical, Mental Health and well-being
•    Relationships; including the RSHE statutory guidance
•    Citizenship, Laws and Democracy
•    Gospel Values
•    British Values
•    Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education
•    Risk and Safety
•    Growing up, Communities, Finance and the Future


Given that RSHE is now a statutory subject for all schools, we are embracing “the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life” by giving pupils knowledge “that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships” (DFE Statutory Guidance).

We deliver this teaching through the prism of Catholic RSHE. The framework of this programme is taken from the Model Catholic RSHE Programme by the Catholic Education Service, which has been highlighted by the Department of Education as a work of good practice.

Life to the Full addresses the needs of young people where they are at in today’s world.  The teaching includes lessons on puberty, personal hygiene, fertility, menstruation, family and friends, sexual intimacy, delaying sex, an understanding of the body, sexuality, marriage, gender, online relationships, social media, consent, grooming, pressure, STIs, contraception, natural family planning, abortion, miscarriage, the effect of drugs and alcohol on relationships, pornographic and sexual exploitation. The programme is fully inclusive of all students and can viewed in more detail below. Parents and carers can also view ‘Life to the Full’s’ Online Parent Portal containing:

  • An overview of the programme, “Life to the Full”

  • Guidance for parents on the content of lessons

  • Activities that can be undertaken at home to support the delivery of the programme

To access this portal please click here: and follow the instructions sent out at the start of the academic year.


Below you will find a more detailed overview of our programme in the curriculum booklet and roadmap.  You will also find examples where PSHE & RSHE are incorporated into subject areas within our subject audit, and our assessment document for this area.


PSHE & RSHE Documents

Updated: 26/11/2024 190 KB
Updated: 10/03/2024 353 KB
Updated: 08/01/2025 274 KB
Updated: 19/10/2022 144 KB

Personal Development Programme

Updated: 24/07/2024 391 KB


Mr R Duffy Curriculum Leader