At St Cecilia’s we are blessed to have a Catholic Youth Worker (Terry Mattinson) who visits our school community weekly to help lead our pupils organise change in our local and global community. Terry has a unique approach that is pupil-led and emphasises that young people should be the voice of change. This reiterates the teachings of Pope Francis who famously said: “My dear young people, the Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you!”
The Change Impact Youth Group
The youth group is a program and project of the YCW movement in England and Wales who meet with parishes and schools. We meet in school on a Friday ‘HANG OUT’ lunchtime session. We are a new youth group in St Cecilia’s working on social and community projects in the local community.
The purpose of the group is to develop ” youth led ” projects and activities to develop young people in a informal educational activity, which should be fun and enjoyable, develop their confidence, esteem, give them a voice, and to make decisions and choices as open minded young people.
UK Youth Inspire 22 Youth Project
This is an innovative youth led social programme that inspires young people to become agents of change in their local communities working in partnership with community action groups, creating a lasting legacy. We have had meetings at Longridge Town Council Office and Old Station Cafe for planning the project, to work in partnership with Longridge Town Council Youth Council and Youth Mayor of Longridge. The young people on the Inspire 22 project will meet the Youth Council on Wednesday 9th November at 5.30pm in Longridge Town Council Office.
Social and Community Action
Supporting work with food banks, care homes, A/E DEPT AT Royal Preston Hospital with sweets, chocolates, and biscuits for the wellbeing of the staff. The Change Youth Group hopes to visit the Action Youth Group at St Bede’s CHS Lytham St Annes and Romero Action Youth Group at Our Lady’s CHS Preston in the Autumn Term. We also work with some of the local primary schools in and around Longridge. The youth group has just become members of the Lancashire Boys and Girls Clubs based in Lancaster.
Million Minutes
“Dedicated to enabling young people to transform their lives and lead change in the community.” The Change Youth group were successful in obtaining a grant of £500 pounds for a project called
‘To make a positive change‘ doing youth led social action projects in their communities over the next twelve months.
UCLAN University Preston
We are taking part in a research project with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) on the theme of wellbeing and mental health of young people. The theme of the research project is ‘HERE I am’ and is a youth led research project working with Deborah Crook (Researcher) and Terry Mattinson (Youth Worker). We are also working in other schools on the research project.
The Change Group met up for bowling in May to celebrate all they have achieved so far and had a great time!