Our Designated Safeguard Lead, Mr Hewitt delivered the first ‘keeping you safe’ assembly of 2022-2023 to all of our year 9 and 10 pupils on Tuesday, September 13th. 

Mr Hewitt informed students of the four types of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. He gave examples of each type of abuse with the aim of improving students’ knowledge, understanding and awareness of their respective signs. He described and reinforced our systems of reporting concerns and reinforced that pupils will be listened to; their safety is our number one priority. 

Year 11 will receive the same assembly on the 23rd September and Year 7 and 8 on the 27th September.

Designated Safeguard Lead: Mr Hewitt

Deputy DSL: Miss Bethwaite 

Deputy DSL: Mrs Lewis

Deputy DSL: Mr Morgan

Reporting concerns: safeguarding@st-cecilias.lancs.sch.uk